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As a Virtual COO and Executive Consultant, Driving Visions will handle the Day-to-Day Critical Operations for Start-Up & Growth Stage companies allowing the CEO/ Founder to focus on growth and vision of the company.


What we do

Our Virtual COO and Executive Consulting services are best for smaller companies that do not yet require the services of a full-time COO but have a need for development or refinement of the business strategy as well as a management system through which to execute the strategy.

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Virtual COO services are ideal for firms moving towards, but aren't quite ready for a full-time COO. Driving Visions helps support Start Ups & Growth Stage companies allowing the CEO / Founder to focus on the growth and vision of the company.


This is a much lower-cost option and, through our process, we are able to efficiently develop or refine the business strategy as needed and allocate accountability for execution to the appropriate members of the management team, until such time the company is ready to bring on full time operational leadership.

'I believe CEOs should focus on their vision.
We're here to strategically drive that vision.'

Theodore Head, CEO Driving Visions LLC

What we offer

We offer Consulting Services for companies needing C-Level advisory, Operations Roadmaps, International business & logistics, Global turnkey manufacturing, Sales & Distribution infrastructure, Employee evaluation or any other critical business needs across multiple types of business specialties. 

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Consulting Services for companies needing C-Level advice and assistance without direct hire, providing Go-to-Market strategies for consumer products and tech startups

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Streamline operations. Identify pain points, prioritize solutions and manage execution of operations improvement projects. Build stable, scalable operations management systems that can be handed off to your team when they are ready

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Change Management. Mentor your team to prepare them for the next level and giving operational expertise that transcends into any business atmosphere

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Proven relationships in international markets to support all aspects of the product life cycle

Employee and Team development support to ensure productive cross functional departments

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Operational Performance. Set up companies infrastructures as they focus on their vision and provide an operations framework to evaluate and monitor operations performance


Budget and Cost Analysis reviews for product planning. Brand Ambassadors through social media, PR, SEO, and AI campaigns

Our customers

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Apex Creative
Bought in to manage the day to day operating functions to support the Founder, allowing him to focus on client growth and was asked to additionally take on the Chief People Officer (CPO) role to support a Change Management initiative.

We Successfully set up new company infrastructure including PEO, Bookkeeping, Web Back End, and Productivity Models, that allowed us to focus on team development and KPIs for better efficiencies and support of client base.

We also support the executive team by consulting and offering new solutions to existing issues holding back growth of the agency.

Pildora Enterprises
As a Start-Up, Pildora was in need of formal operational direction and controls, as well as a complete identity and branding overhaul. Driving Visions was retained for 6 months to assess and implement these controls, evaluate the team, and offer Change Management services. In this time, we reduced overall expenses by 32%, cleared service redundancies, streamlined logistics, and established an emotive brand strategy.  Driving Visions managed the day-to-day operations allowing the founder to focus on her vision and growth plan.

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'Ted leveraged his global manufacturing relationships and was able to reduce my costs of packaging and manufacturing by 1/3 without the need of traditional high-volume requirements of overseas contract manufacturers.'
Josh M. CEO HD Frequency

HD Frequency
We were introduced to the founder of HD Frequency at CES in 2015.  They had created a special antenna design and were looking for support in global manufacturing and sales.
Driving Visions was retained for virtual CEO / COO services to help with international manufacturing services and global sales & distribution channels.  HD Frequency was acquired in 2021 by an industry partner connection made through Driving Visions’ network.

Fast Trends Inc.
A company with unique IP within the hitch and towing industry reached out through a mutual contact.  They needed international sourcing and manufacturing for their patented Hitch Pin design.  Driving Visions was able to help source and manage international manufacturing.  This turned into a further relationship assisting with establishing US sales teams and trade events.  Fast Trends was eventually lead to an acquisition with a major Hitch manufacturer.  Driving Visions garnered the introductions and was integral in the negotiations.

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'We had the opportunity to bring Ted on as a consultant to assist in business planning locally and how to grow the team.  This grew into having him begin to establish global relationships for Turnkey Manufacturing of our local customers’ products.'
Steve K. Owner / President, Eagle Contract Services

Eagle Contract Services
Helped a local circuit board assembly company connect with global manufacturing resources based in china to begin offering full turnkey product manufacturing and grow their product offering to local and national companies.   This contract position garnered an offer to join the company and run business development internationally.  The Company changed its identity over the years to Eagle Vision Displays and Global Eagle Services to better identify with its customer base.

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